Guaranteed best flooring prices
At Sharon Leon we guarantee like-for-like price match across any of our flooring ranges.*
At Sharon Leon we guarantee like-for-like price match across any of our flooring ranges.*
We supply all types of flooring for your home. From carpets and rugs through to real wood flooring we have something to cater for all tastes and styles.
Sharon Leon carpets was originally set up in 1963 on Bridge Street, Inverness, by James Sheerin. We were one of the first flooring businesses to introduce broadloom carpeting, allowing carpets to be fitted wall-to-wall without any seams.
Come visit us our showroom. Our friendly staff will be on hand to help you choose the right flooring for your home.
Inverness Showroom
Get directionsInverness Showroom
Sharon Leon
Showroom Opening Hours:
Monday to Sat 9am – 5pm
For information about any of our flooring ranges or installation services. Please fill in the form with your details below…